Hi! I’m Adrianne.
I’m a Manifesting Coach and Intuitive Guide who works with personal growth seekers on transforming their dreams into reality.
If I’m really being honest…
I think energy alignment is the solution to any problem.
I think that most of what trips us up as a society and as individuals is a limited view of reality.
Most don’t understand the incredible power of simply being nicer to ourselves.
I get it.
For a long time, I didn’t know about the power of alignment either.
Back then, achieving my goals meant taking as much action as possible to make them happen.
In high school, I’d study for a test until I’d nearly memorized the textbook.
In college, I’d pull multiple all-nighters in the architecture studio to perfect every last detail of my projects.
Like many, I believed that taking massive action was the only way to create the life I wanted. So, I ignored my emotions and signals from my body and continued pushing myself to do more.
Finally, during my last year at university, this way of operating reached its limit.
I felt tired and burned out on all levels.
On the sunrise walk back home after another long night at the design studio, I asked myself a new question:
“Is this really worth it?”
“NO!” said my emotions, which I could no longer ignore.
In that moment, I decided that the self-sacrifice had to end now. I could no longer stand pushing myself like this.
So, I stopped.
Even if it meant failing out of school, things had to change.
And so, I began paying more attention to what felt good and right to me instead of on the long list of “shoulds” coming from my professors and others in my life.
Surprisingly, this new approach did not lead to failing out of school or a total uproar from the people around me.
Instead, the opposite happened.
My decision to be kinder to myself was mirrored by the world around me.
My school workload lightened. My professors suddenly became more lenient and easy going. The giant master's degree thesis project that had loomed over my head for the past six months became optional instead of required.
But, those weren’t the only connections I noticed between my inner and outer worlds.
Sometimes, I’d ask a question in my mind and then look up and see a roadside sign, license plate, or overhear a random conversation between two strangers that provided a perfect answer.
Other times, a friend would pop into my head and the next thing I knew the phone would start ringing and it would be them on the other line.
I’d often find myself glancing at the clock at exactly 33 minutes past the hour, my favorite number.
These types of experiences made me very curious!
And so began my quest to understand the true nature of reality.
I read dozens of books, took tons of courses and used my own life for experimentation.
From quantum physics to ancient wisdom teachings to modern new age notions, everything I explored seemed to underline my original discoveries:
All is one and everything is connected.
What happens on the outside reflects our inner state of being.
Aligning our thoughts, emotions and beliefs with what we truly desire is the key to creating it in our reality.
Applying these truths led to some amazing transformations.
I went from experiencing the Divine as something distant and separate to discovering my direct line to the intelligence, love and power of Source.
I went from feeling out of control of my emotions to making inner peace my norm and easily releasing a binge eating pattern I’d struggled with for years.
I went from continually experiencing scarcity and shortage around money to ease, empowerment and more than enough.
I went from years of struggle and disappointment in love to attracting ideal love relationships.
I went from despair and confusion around my true purpose in life to clarity around the work I’m here to do.
Developing my energy alignment skills led to naturally manifesting favorite dreams:
running my own business aligned with my purpose and passion
attracting my ideal love relationship
living in the exact riverside home I desired
fun and fulfilling travel experiences
And, I discovered along the way that cultivating these skills not only brought out the best in my outer reality but also the best in myself. I learned how to more fully tap into my own creativity, awaken my natural psychic gifts and show up as the me I most wanted to be.
So now, I work with people like you who feel the undeniable call to be their best and create their best.
If you’re ready to step into the version of yourself you’ve been longing to be and consciously create the life of your choosing, then I’d be honored to be your coach, guide and friend journeying with you along the path to your fullest manifestation.
Still curious about me?
Enjoy these fun facts:
I’m a Libra rising, Gemini sun, Scorpio moon and 11/2 lifepath.
I live in Oregon with my partner, Nick.
Nick was my first client in my first business as a psychic reader in 2009. After this first meeting, we were friends for 6 years before becoming a couple.
As a young child, I dreamed of becoming an artist. Art, design and aesthetics are still big interests of mine.
At age 15, I saw a Tony Robbins interview on TV and since that day have been obsessed with studying personal growth.
For my 29th birthday, I seriously considered getting a tattoo of the sacred geometry symbol “the seed of life.” In the end, I decided not to… but, a few years later, I discovered that the seed life had appeared in a crop circle on my birthday that year. So, I guess the earth got the tattoo instead? hehe 😊 (I still don’t have any tattoos, by the way. This was the closest that I ever came to getting one!)
A few years ago, I became a paraglider pilot. This is what you’ll find Nick and I doing most weekends that conditions are good. So far, I’ve flown at the coast, mountains and gorge here in Oregon as well as in Costa Rica and Colombia
I love food, especially super healthy and flavorful dishes. I’m well known among friends and family for my avocado toast, smoothies, raw chocolate pie and cheesy kale chips.
I’m a certified qigong teacher and I used to teach weekly outdoor classes at the top of Mount Tabor, a dormant volcano turned public park in Portland, before retiring from qigong instruction to focus on my coaching business.