68 Seconds of Pure Thought is ENOUGH to Manifest

I don’t like affirmations.

Ok, that’s not really true. What I don’t like is using affirmations to try to fix my negative thinking. 

It doesn’t work. If I’m feeling significant negative emotion, the affirmation feels like a lie.

It points out what I want, that, at this moment, I don’t believe that I can have. The affirmation makes me feel worse and therefore takes me further away from manifesting my desire.

But like with many things manifestation, it’s not as simple as saying “use affirmations” or “don’t use affirmations.” 

There are times when affirmations can be really helpful. 

When you’re in a neutral or good-feeling emotional place, an affirmation can help you feel better and more aligned to what you’re manifesting. 

They can even help raise your vibration enough to create instant manifestations.

For example, one time after reading through a list of money affirmations, I was inspired to check my email and discovered that an unexpected payment of $555 had been deposited into my account while I was reading my list of “magic money mantras.”

In this case, reading through the list caused me to feel so good about money that I reached the energetic tipping point that allowed a new money manifestation to come in.

That energetic tipping point is basically the topic of today’s YouTube video.

Just over a minute (68 seconds, to be exact) of pure thought about what we want to manifest is enough to cause physical manifestations to begin happening.

Whether we use affirmations, journal scripting, creative visualization, or any other manifesting technique, getting a strong positive thought momentum going is the key.

In the video, I’m sharing what a pure thought actually is, how to achieve it, and the cool stuff that starts happening when you can hold a pure thought for 17 seconds, 68 seconds, and multiple reps of 68 seconds.

Click here or press play on the video below to watch “68 Seconds of Pure Thought is Enough to Manifest ✨


5 Tips to Get to 68 Seconds of Pure Thought


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