The Quick Way Out of a Bad Mood

Photo by Stijn Dijkstra from Pexels

Photo by Stijn Dijkstra from Pexels

“My mind isn’t working right now!” I declared to pajama-clad Nick, who stood there looking down at my curled up form.

“I’m just getting confused in my head. Just upset and so SO tired.”

Cocooned in a sun-washed-blue papasan chair by the third-floor, starry-sky-revealing window, knees to chest, arms crossed over legs, I knew that from this vibration anything that came out of my mouth wasn’t going to be good.

And so, I did my best to resist the temptation to try to explain why I currently felt upset with him, myself, the situation and anything else my attention happened to land upon.

After enough experiences navigating myself back to feeling good again, I’ve found that a shortcut up the emotional scale is to NOT try to figure out or get to the bottom of anything when you don’t feel good.

That only tends to prolong or even increase the momentum of uncomfortable, ouchy-feeling vibrations.

While not always easy to accomplish, the quickest way I’ve found out of a bad mood is to...

Just. Let. It. Go.

Let go of whatever you’re currently focused upon that’s upsetting and find some easy, soothing, good-feeling thing to focus upon instead to help raise your vibration.

For me, late last night, it was a hug.

Melting into Nick’s embrace, I felt the sweet release of tension from my body, my mind and my heart.

Tears falling. Resistance lightening. Energy softening. Outlook transformed.

What seemed hugely upsetting only moments before now felt distant and forgettable. We walked arm-in-arm across the thick, cream-colored carpet of our temporary Airbnb coastal home and back to bed.

That is the magic of a higher vibration.

From a better-feeling state of consciousness, what previously felt overwhelming and irritating simply doesn’t seem like an issue anymore.

When tuned to a higher-vibe, we either forget about previous problems completely or their solution just naturally presents itself.

The mind is clear and intuitive insights are easily received.

So, whenever we’re tempted to try to solve problems, look for answers or “get to the bottom of it” from a state of being that doesn’t feel good, let’s remember the power of vibration.

From a not-good-feeling vibe, instead of resolving things, we’re way more likely to just think our way into further confusion, overwhelm and insecurity.

Instead, let’s go for the quick fix.

Let’s distract ourselves with the easy, simple feel-good. Let’s reach for whatever works best to find soothing, comfort and relief. A hug, a nap, a good night’s sleep, a break, a walk outside, a journaled list of things we like that are easy to appreciate.

Let’s use whatever works to ease the mind and lighten the energy.

Here’s to taking the quick route out of a bad mood and into a new reality of problems being solved and dreams coming true. 💛✨

Love and Magic,



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