3 Morning Journaling Practices to Manifest at Your Best

*click the image above to watch the video version of this article

The morning is the most powerful time to focus ourselves into the high vibrations that make manifesting what we want way easier and more fun.

Journaling is one of my favorite ways to do this.

So, in this article + video above, I’m sharing three of my best and most simple journaling practices to do in the morning to help you manifest at your best for the rest of the day.

Why Journal in the Morning?

The morning is the optimal time to tune our vibration because a good night’s sleep helps reset our energy.

If something was bothering us the day before, that momentum has slowed down overnight. Our mind is more clear, open and impressionable first thing in the morning.

It’s truly a golden opportunity to take our focus, our energy and our manifesting momentum in a new direction.

Journaling Practice #1: The “I like it” List

As the name implies, for this first practice, you simply focus upon and write down absolutely anything that’s really easy to like.

It’s similar to a gratitude or an appreciation list.

When I’m doing this practice, I’ll usually just complete the sentence “I like…” and then write whatever comes to mind.

It can be really simple or basic things. Anything that’s really easy to appreciate and enjoy very naturally helps to raise your vibration.

The simple act of...

  • asking yourself the question “What do I like?” and then feeling around for a genuine answer

  • focusing yourself upon those things that are really easy to enjoy and appreciate

  • thinking about those things that you have no resistance about

… can really help to shift your overall vibrational state into something that’s more aligned, open, relaxed, good-feeling, receptive to intuition and more magnetic to whatever you’re wanting to manifest.


Journaling Practice #2: Affirming What You Believe

This second journaling practice is basically about writing out beliefs about yourself, reality, what you’re manifesting or similar topics that help to soothe, uplift and make you feel good.

For example, you might remind yourself about what you believe about your power to create your own reality, your connection to Source or your ability and worthiness to receive.

Simply reminding yourself about what you believe that’s empowering, comforting and soothing can be an easy, simple and fast way to raise your vibration.


Journaling Practice #3: Focus on the Feeling

For this final morning journaling practice, you simply think about whatever you want to manifest and ask yourself the question, “How does it feel?”

Writing out the answer to this question in your journal can really help tune you into that feeling and vibration of what you want, helping you become a better vibrational match to it.

This practice is simply about allowing yourself to feel into and enjoy the emotional reasons behind what you’re manifesting. You’re allowing yourself to really savor what it will feel like when what you want is fully realized. And, you’re doing your best to feel those feelings now.

This good-feeling focus raises your vibration, puts you into alignment with what you want and gets the momentum of your energy flowing in the direction that will lead to its full manifestation.


Planting that Seed of Positive Energy

Hope you enjoyed this list of three, super-simple, journaling exercises to do in the morning to tune your vibration and manifest at your best for the rest of the day.

It’s all about planting that seed of positive energy first thing in the morning so that those are the vibrations take root and grow as the day goes on.

Journaling is such a great way to accomplish this because it really can help with slowing down your mind and helping your focus.

Here’s to starting every day off from a good-feeling, magnetic-to-the-best vibration.

Love and Magic,



It Doesn’t Define You


Clean Slate Manifesting