How to Attract the Best From Others

Photo by Bayu jefri from Pexels

Photo by Bayu jefri from Pexels

No experience taught me more about how other people respond to my vibration than the year I spent living with ten housemates.

Actually, it may have been closer to twelve housemates… this was way back in 2011/ 2012 so my memory is a little bit fuzzy.

Regardless, it was A LOT of twenty-somethings living under one roof!

Our parties and get-togethers were tons of fun.

But, no matter how free-spirited and tolerant a group might be, with so many individuals sharing one space there are bound to be times when personalities clash or preferences disagree.

Needless to say, I had plenty of opportunity to practice my conscious creation skills towards manifesting harmonious relationships with my housemates.

The #1 Tool in My Positive-Relationships-Manifesting Toolkit

Whenever my feathers became ruffled by something one of my housemates said or did, there’s one practice that always helped me to get back to a good-feeling place with the other person:

The positive aspects list.

Writing out a list of the positive aspects, or things that I most appreciate, about the housemate with whom I had a disagreement would always cause a significant shift in my vibration.

It was amazing how after doing this practice the next time that I interacted with this person was totally different. All previous tension seemed to have magically evaporated and we were back to being great friends again.

Working Relationship Magic with a Positive Aspects List

When someone upsets you, it’s very logical and understandable that focusing on their positive aspects is the last thing that you feel like doing!

When I’d first sit down to write this list for a housemate who’d recently annoyed or upset me, finding more than a couple of positive things to say about them felt like a stretch. And, the few things I did manage to write down didn’t feel very authentic.

But, if I stuck with my intention to shift my vibration, eventually I’d reach a tipping point where the energy would shift and I’d find myself remembering all the reasons why I genuinely liked this person.

By the end of writing my list I found myself sort of “falling back in love” with my housemate.

Quite a change from 15 minutes prior when the thought of them might’ve made me consider moving house!

Attracting the Best From Others

While not always easy to practice, the concept is simple:

The more that we focus on the positive aspects of the people in our lives (instead of on the little things they might do to annoy us)…

The more that we make these positive aspects dominant in our vibration…

… the more that we’ll tend to attract these best-case-scenario characteristics from those around us, and the more that the little annoying things that they do will become less annoying and more funny and cute.

Here’s to leveraging our creative powers towards manifesting harmony and joy within all of our relationships.

Love and Magic,



The Most Magical Mindset


The Wisdom to Procrastinate