How to Tell WHEN It Will Manifest

A few weeks ago, Nick and I tried having cookies for breakfast. And lunch. 

No, it’s not our usual diet… but it seemed like the best thing to do for our health at the time! 😅

You see, eating these cookies was part of the Zoe kit we ordered to help us better understand how food affects our bodies.

One of the things measured by the kit was how our blood sugar levels responded to both the special cookies Zoe sent us as well as our regular diet.

To do this, we wore blood sugar sensors for two weeks and frequently used an app on our phones to “scan” our arms where the sensors were located to get the latest blood sugar readings. 

Overall, I discovered that my blood sugar levels are pretty good when eating my typical meals, and definitely out of range a bit when I eat something like a takeout Indian food meal with white rice, naan, and a potato stuffed pasty whose name I can’t recall. Go figure. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So what does this two-week blood sugar monitoring experiment have to do with manifesting?

Well, in the same way as I began paying attention to how fast or slow my blood sugar rises in response to what I’m eating, we conscious creators can pay attention to how fast or slow our manifestations are manifesting based on what we’re thinking and feeling. 

And also, in the same way as I should be picky about what I choose to eat if I want my blood sugar to do good things, we conscious creators should be picky with what we choose to think if we want our manifestations to unfold in pleasing directions. 

In today’s YouTube video, I’m chatting all about how we control the timing of our manifestations and how to tell when what we want is about to manifest.

Unfortunately, it’s not quite as simple as just wearing a blood sugar sensor and scanning our arms with our phones.

But, as covered in the video, there is a very clear emotional indicator to look out for if you’d like to know when what you’re manifesting is on the brink of full realization.

Click here or press play on the video below to watch “How to Tell WHEN It Will Manifest”


3 Ways to Speed Up Manifestation


How to Release Attachment and Allow Manifestation