Let’s Manifest Money With Ease

One of the most interesting things about manifesting is that what we want often comes about in ways that we’re not expecting.  

I’ve found this to be especially true when it comes to manifesting money. 

One of the cool things about money is that it’s everywhere!

For most of us in the societies in which we live, money is in continual circulation. 

Therefore, it has the potential to come from any number of different avenues. 

So it's best not to place limitations on the universe by believing that money only comes from our job, business, investments, or any other typical, expected place.

That can make it more challenging to manifest money because our expectations about where it’s likely to come from can make us blind to other options.

On the other hand, when we expect money to manifest from literally anywhere at any time, we allow the universe and the Law of Attraction infinite possibilities to play with. 

It’s a simple concept... but it's definitely taken me some time to fully get this!

One experience that really helped happened back when I used to work in an architecture office while also doing my coaching business on the side. 

In my mind, these two lines of work were very separate. 

Coaching business stayed at home and architecture work stayed at the office. Or so I thought.

Then, one morning after doing a particularly powerful evening money manifesting practice, my boss walked up to my desk and asked to speak with me privately for a few minutes.

Much to my surprise, the topic that he wanted to discuss wasn’t the usual request for design drawing changes or to accompany him to another building department meeting. 

No. He wanted to talk to me about my coaching services. 

Specifically, he wanted to know if I would consider coaching his son.

A few days after this very surprising, totally-out-of-the-blue conversation, I received a lump sum payment for 6-months of coaching fees into my bank account and a brand-new client onto my roster. 

This very unusual money manifesting experience, and others like it, gradually taught me to be less fixed about how I think about money. 

I learned to focus on doing my manifesting job (tending to my money vibration) and let the Universe and the Law of Attraction do their manifesting job (organizing and arranging the best paths for money to enter my reality).

In a new video on my YouTube channel, this topic of tending to our money vibration is exactly what I’m sharing about.

In this vlog-style video, you'll come along with me during the day as I identify my current money vibration and then do simple manifesting practices to activate and align with this energy. 

If you're also looking to add more ease and flow into your money reality, I hope you'll check out the video and join me in activating a vibration that helps us to manifest money with ease!

 Click here (or watch below) to check it out.

Love and Magic,



Aries Full Moon Manifestation Forecast


Libra New Moon Manifestation Forecast