The Journey is the Goal

Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels

Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels

What’s the mindset shift that makes us ten times more successful at manifesting dreams into reality?

Becoming as excited about the manifesting journey itself as we are about getting to the final, dream-come-true destination.

Of course, seeing “the journey as the goal” is not the approach most take when it comes to manifesting.

Most people who set out to consciously create what they want are in a hurry to get to the end result.

But interestingly, the more that we feel desperate to speed up the creation process, the more that we can actually end up slowing it down and holding ourselves apart from the Vortex dreams that want to come true for us.

Being in a hurry to get to the manifestation typically comes from an energy of pushing against “what is.”

We’re seeing ourselves and our lives in their current form as “not good enough.”

We’re looking to the manifestation to make us happy, believing that we’ll finally feel complete, worthy, successful or whatever we’re craving only once the dream comes true.

But, this vibration of “dissatisfaction with what is” couldn’t be a further energy match from dreams-come-true.

Instead of manifesting the dream, that vibe just perpetuates the experience of always striving but never arriving.

Yikes! Been there, done that. Do not recommend!

Luckily, there’s a better way.

And, it comes from realizing that we get to have our cake and eat it too.

We get to have maximum fun and feel amazing right now, even before any part of the dream has turned into reality.


By understanding that we’re not supposed to put off our happiness until the dream comes true.

We’re supposed to feel really good and enjoy ourselves fully right now.

That’s because...

The Juice is in the Journey

The manifesting journey has the potential to be as much (or even more!) joyful as actually arriving at our desired destination.


Reason #1: The idea of something can feel as good (or even better than) the actual manifestation.

We don’t have to have something manifested into our reality in order to fully and completely enjoy it. Just the idea of it can be enough.

It’s like when I wrote about my Christmas gift from Nick that I chose not to open right away because it was too fun to see it under the tree and milk that giddy, kid-at-Christmas sense of anticipation.

Letting ourselves savor the idea of what we want can feel amazing.

Using imagination, we can put ourselves into our dream-come-true any time we like. In our mind’s eye, we can experience it all unfolding in exactly the way that would please us the most.

The pleasure of daydreaming and imagination are available anytime and anywhere that we decide to focus and feel our way into our dream-come-true reality.

Reason #2: It’s fun to see how the path unfolds.

One of the best parts of manifesting is that you never quite know exactly how the dream is going to transform from idea into reality.

The Universe can be so creative and smart in the way that it brings things together to move us along the path to our dream-come-true.

The manifesting journey can feel like a game of collecting puzzle pieces and clues. You never quite know exactly what sign, synchronicity or piece of evidence is going to show up each day. It’s fun to gather each clue to the mystery and spot the next piece of the puzzle that reveals more clearly how it’s all coming together for you.

Reason #3: Creators gotta create.

For divine creators like us there’s nothing more satisfying than getting waist-deep, full-on engaged in our creative process.

Or as Abraham has said, it’s way more fun to be a deliberate creator than a creator by default.

It’s so cool to be conscious of this process of our thoughts becoming things. It’s amazing to get to witness how the changes we make on the inside get reflected by what shows up on the outside.

There’s nothing that will make you feel more blessed, worthy, powerful, loved and supported by the Universe and Source Energy than getting to experience how life responds to the shifts you make to your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and energy.

And, it’s fun to get better and better at this creative process. It’s fun to level up our manifesting skills and get to see how the better we get at it, the better life gets to unfold for us.

Maximum Fun Before It’s Done

I hope I’ve inspired you to get excited about big dreams, not just because they’re going to be a thrill to experience, but also because the path from here to there has the potential to be juicy and pleasurable at each step all along the way.

Here’s to allowing ourselves to have maximum fun before it’s done.

Love and Magic,



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