Energy Alignment Blog

Manifesting, intuition development and self-actualization tips, tools and tricks + what’s on my mind lately.

Adrianne DeCotes Adrianne DeCotes

The Most Magical Mindset for Manifestation

A magical mindset is one that paves the way for manifesting favorable outcomes, regardless of the situation. It's about creating win-win solutions, conjuring best-case scenarios, and radiating an aura that leaves others wondering if you're made of pure magic because everything seems to go your way.

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Manifesting Adrianne DeCotes Manifesting Adrianne DeCotes

8 Intentions that Speed Up Manifestation

Intending to follow inspiration is just one of the key intentions that help grease the manifesting wheels and transform dreams and desires into 3D physical reality. There are at least seven more that I’ve found really helpful to pay attention to and they're shared in the video linked below...

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Manifesting Adrianne DeCotes Manifesting Adrianne DeCotes

Holding Steady

This is the advice I give to myself when it feels like “nothing’s working,” “it’s not happening,” or “I must not be doing this right.”

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Manifesting Adrianne DeCotes Manifesting Adrianne DeCotes

5 Favorite Money Affirmations

Because affirmations have been a powerful tool for improving my feelings, vibration, and manifestations with money, I thought I’d share a sample from my latest crop of good-feeling, vibration-boosting, money-manifesting mantras.

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