This Money Affirmation Changed Everything

The back corner of my garage recently transformed itself into a mini wellness center.

Nick’s been pretty interested in cold water therapy this year, and last week, he decided to order a “cold plunge” tub. Basically, it’s a small inflatable pool that you fill with cold water to submerge your body for a few minutes and receive various health benefits.

The garage is a good place for this apparatus… except that I’m still getting used to his new, frequent, cold-plunge-in-the-garage schedule and accidentally locked him in there a couple of times. Oops! 😅 

But what does cold plunging have to do with manifesting?

Well, I think it’s a good metaphor for the transformation that happened for me recently with money manifesting.

You see, last weekend I tried my very first cold plunge in the new tub. My face contorted in ways that I’ve rarely experienced upon feeling the shock to my body of this chilly water. 

But after a time, I started to relax and warm up a bit. And after I got out of the tub and dried off, my body heated up way more. It felt like a burning sensation in my upper chest, back, and abdomen as the blood flowed super powerfully to help me warm up.

It’s kind of the same thing with manifesting. 

Extreme challenges and unwanted circumstances (what Abraham calls the “contrast” of life) is like the tub of chilly water.

And, just like my body responded to the cold water with super-powerful, above-average blood flow, strong contrast also naturally creates an above-average, super-powerful, positive reaction.

It causes us to clarify a stronger desire for what we want (an “asking” for improvement) and that creates a stronger response (an “answering”) from Source Energy.

I experienced this phenomenon a little over a year ago when my experience with money got to a very contrasty place. 

The job that I thought was my dream job stopped paying me. I was making zero sales in my business. I had tons of credit card debt with interest rates that were skyrocketing. Nick had to cover my half of the rent and other bills because I was literally running out of money.

It was *very* strong contrast!

But it led to some of the strongest clarity and solutions that I’ve ever experienced. 

In today’s YouTube video, I’m sharing about the money manifesting breakthrough that happened as a result of this contrast, including the new money affirmation that helped me create much better results.

I found a new, better job. Sales began happening easily and automatically in my business. I discovered an awesome app called YNAB to organized my finances. My credit card debt disappeared. I now have extra money for savings, vacationing, and other fun things. And I now have greater confidence and ability to help my coaching clients manifest their own positive money transformations. 

Want to know what made the big difference in helping create these new results? 

Click here or press play on the video below to watch “This Money Affirmation Changed Everything.”


How to Manifest MORE while Taking Action Less


New Technique to SPEED UP Manifestation ⚡️