New Technique to SPEED UP Manifestation ⚡️
In late summer 2016, I spent two and a half days walking the streets of Paris in flip-flops.
I bring up the flops because it was a poor choice of footwear. Nowadays, I’d definitely recommend Vivos instead!
But besides the soreness of my feet at the end of each day of sightseeing, another memorable aspect of this mini-vacation was my breakfast: chocolate croissants.
Freshly baked. Flakey. Buttery. Chocolaty. The dreamiest! 😋
So when I found out that the Summer Olympics were happening in Paris this year, chocolate croissants suddenly jumped to the top of my grocery shopping list.
I needed to watch the opening ceremony parade down the Seine river while eating a chocolate croissant, obviously 🤷🏻♀️
But this story isn’t just about my love of French pastries… it’s also about my love of the Olympics (…and it’s also about manifesting too, lol, we’ll get to that in a minute).
When I was a kid I LOVED watching the Olympics. But for the past 20+ years, I’ve missed out on watching these epic games.
However, this year, all that changed because the perfect storm happened.
I’d finally manifested a nice, big screen TV *and* enough free time to enjoy watching the games!
It was just like I remembered as a kid. Sooo inspiring to see athletes bring their very best to the table! Super touching to get to share moments of greatness with spectators all around the world. 😊
But what do the Olympics have to do with manifesting?
One awesome takeaway is the power and magic of focus.
By focusing intensely on their chosen sport, some of these athletes are able to perform incredible, almost unbelievable, things. They break world records - jumping higher, swimming faster, and throwing javelins farther than anyone has ever done before.
We can also experience our own version of incredible feats by using the same basic power of focus.
We can also focus ourselves into amazing new realities where what was once thought nearly impossible to ourselves and others becomes fact.
Today’s YouTube video is all about leveraging the power of periods of consistent focus through a new technique I’m calling The Manifesting Intensive.
Fortunately, we don't have to put in years and years of effort like most high-level Olympic athletes.
Like Abraham says in the following quote from page 109 in Ask and It Is Given, it's possible to create a strong vibrational shift that creates a new dominant thought (and a new reality!) in hours. And the Manifesting Intensive is designed to help do just that.
“When you repeatedly return to a pure thought, maintaining it for at least 68 seconds, in a short period of time (hours in some cases or a few days in others), that thought becomes a dominant thought. And once you achieve a dominant thought, you will experience matching manifestations until you change it.” ~ Abe
Click here or press play below to watch the video ✨