Thriving In Uncertain Times (3 Simple Steps)

Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

Whether it’s a global pandemic, job loss, relationship ending, the open-ended path of entrepreneurship, or some other version of “uncertain times”...

… thriving is not just possible, it’s how things are meant to unfold for us.

When things are totally “up in the air,” it feels like anything could happen...

That’s when magic has the chance to unfold.

Our normal routine is shaken up. We’re inspired to begin asking ourselves new questions. We become more open to outside-of-the-box ways of doing things.

As a result, totally new and better outcomes become possible.

I experienced this back in February when I was laid off from my job in architecture.

The company I worked for was experiencing an intense dry spell. I hadn’t been paid since early December.

While this situation at work was certainly stressful at times, I’ve been through enough versions of “uncertain times” to not get too swept up in the drama.

A few months down the road… and, I am super thankful that things unfolded in the way that they did! I’m in a much better place emotionally, creatively, and even financially, than I ever would have been had things continued in the same way as before.

I know that things could have potentially not turned out so well. But, I decided a long time ago to do my best to believe what Abraham often says that, “things are always working out right for me.”

  • As creators of our reality, don’t we always have the option to create thriving for ourselves?

  • At any time, can’t we always just choose to anticipate a positive outcome even if we have no idea how it might come about?

No matter how long we may have been pointed in the opposite direction, once we orient ourselves towards thriving, things instantly begin to shift.

Because the decision to thrive no matter what aligns with what Source intends for us, thriving happens naturally when we simply get into alignment with it.

Here is my best and most simple 3-Step recipe to do just this...

Step 1: Give Yourself Permission to Thrive

Declare that thriving is not just possible... it’s how you’re meant to live, no matter the current circumstance. Decide to open up as best you can to the infinite abundance of Source Energy and the intelligent guidance of your intuition.

Remember that it’s okay to thrive even if others are not. You have more to give and can better inspire others when you’re thriving.

Step 2: Practice Excellent Self-Care

Do the things and think the thoughts that soothe, comfort and nourish you.

Do your best to take excellent care of yourself from wherever you are and with whatever is available to you right now.

Never put off feeling better. Focus on always finding small, easy ways to feel just a little better right now. Even just a small shift in the way you feel can start a positive momentum that will sooner or later grow into you being the high vibe, good feeling, inspired you who naturally thrives in any situation.

Step 3: Follow Good Feeling Inspiration

From a place of feeling better you’re more open to intuitive nudges and your best next steps.

You’re naturally led to any actions required to help you thrive and be at your best.

Sometimes, inspiration may lead you to just lay down for a nap, take a walk outside or bake another batch of vegan banana walnut bread (or maybe that one is just me? Hehe). Other times, inspiration may lead you to start writing your bestseller, take the art class you’ve always wanted to take or connect with a new person who can help you manifest your dream.

Don’t question where it’s all going. With intuition as your guide… you'll like it when you get there! Just follow the next good feeling step that’s in front of you and enjoy how the journey begins to unfold.

I hope this inspires you to relax just a little bit more about any “uncertain times” happening around you right now + open up to the good stuff that wants to come in.

Love and Magic,



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