Why You’ll Manifest and Thrive in 2025
At 5:30pm on a typical Saturday evening, you won’t find me doing something “fun.”
You’ll find me at Costco.
Because, to me, it is fun to go to Costco when the crowds are the smallest and the checkout lines are the shortest.
So when Nick and I decided to go to München Haus during a recent trip to Leavenworth, Washington, I did my best to avoid the long line.
Typically, the ordering line at this super-popular Bavarian beer garden and grill flows away from the ordering counter, up the hill, around the corner, and way down the adjacent street.
So we decided to get there at 11am, right when they opened.
But the long line had already started. 😳
I had two choices:
1. Get upset about still having to wait in a long line.
2. Focus on enjoying myself anyway. Savor the yummy gingerbread almond milk latte in my hand. Appreciate Nick bringing me a menu so that I have plenty of time to decide on my order. Feel gratitude for the fact that we’re here on this mini-vacation at all, getting to experience this extremely festive, adorable city during Christmastime.
I’m happy to say that I chose #2.
But why am I sharing this with you today?
Because I believe that this mindset of focusing on what there is to “gain” from a situation instead of on the “gap” between current reality and our ideal will be one of the secrets to our success in 2025.
This simple concept of “The Gap and the Gain” comes from a book of the same title.
A lot of us conscious creators can get stuck focusing on the “gap” between where we currently are and the dream we want to manifest.
We feel lack or discouragement because we’re seeing this gap instead of seeing and appreciating the gain.
The gain is all the progress we’ve made since we started working on manifesting the goal, dream, or desire.
I bet you did better than you think in 2024 if you focus upon and measure the gain, instead of the gap.
And I also know that if we keep our focus on the gain instead of the gap this year, it’s going to help us naturally embody the energy of success, abundance, and satisfaction that will lead us to manifest and thrive in 2025.
(You know I love a good rhyme! 😉 Especially when it comes to new year slogans).
Today’s YouTube video goes deeper into this mindset of being in the gain instead of the gap.
Plus, I’m also sharing another mindset shift that can help us recognize how we likely manifested more in 2024 (yes, another rhyme snuck in 😆) than we’re probably giving ourselves credit for.
Click here (or press play on the video below) to watch “Why You’ll Manifest and Thrive in 2025.”