Worthiness Magic

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Do you feel 100% worthy of manifesting your biggest, juiciest dreams in life?

If the answer is, “um no, not quite,” you’re not alone.

Most humans (even us savvy conscious creators) can sometimes question whether we’re truly good enough, ready enough or deserving enough to receive what we want in life.

And, it’s no wonder that’s the case.

Early Worthiness Examples

Most of us were trained from an early age to work hard for what we want. We were taught to earn a living. We were told not to expect something for nothing.

When we shared our big dreams with parents or friends they cautioned us to “not get our hopes up.” They reminded us that those fantastical dreams are rare, that kind of stuff doesn’t happen for most people, and the odds are not in our favor.

With the kind of programming that most of us received from a young age, it makes sense that we’d find it tricky to see ourselves as 100% worthy of what we want. It makes sense that we’d have trouble expecting good stuff to happen in an easy, fun, and effortless way.

When Self-Help Isn’t Helpful

Then, there’s the whole self-help movement with all of the books, courses, and teachers offering to help us “improve” ourselves in some way.

While this can be amazing and empowering, it also has the potential to feed into feelings of unworthiness. We can fall into the trap of constantly focusing upon where we’re lacking and needing to improve.

It can make us blind to our greatness because we’re so focused upon what we want to become next instead of upon the value of what we already are. It can lead to seeing ourselves as always in need of improvement instead of as perfectly worthy right now.

Despite all that we may have been taught about our worthiness from the outside world, here’s the truth:

We are 100% worthy of everything we desire right now. We’ve always been worthy and we always will be worthy. Our worthiness was never in question.

100% worthy is simply the way that source energy, our higher selves and the Universe always see us.

And, that’s how the law of attraction sees us too. Our worthiness is proven to us every day by the law of attraction.

Let me explain...

A Sort of Backwards Way to Realize Our Worthiness

Here’s a funny thought:

If you haven’t yet manifested your big juicy vision for your life, it’s actually proof of your worthiness.

I know it sounds backwards but hang with me here for a moment…

If you haven’t been feeling 100% worthy of what you want and the law of attraction has been obediently matching that vibration by not bringing you what you want, it’s proof of your worthiness.

It’s proof that you’re worthy of creating your reality.

The Universe responds to whatever you focus upon because you’re seen as worthy of this awesome, amazing, reality-creating power.

Kind of puts a fun new spin on not manifesting what we want, right? ;)

Of course, as soon as we become aware of this situation…

As soon as we realize that we’re already always 100% worthy of whatever we want…

We can begin flipping the worthiness switch and getting a more favorable response back from good old law of attraction.

We can manifest whatever we want with ease. Just because we want it. Just because we know we’re 100% worthy of it.

Sprinkle that Worthiness Magic All Around

One of the most powerful things we can do for our reality is to sprinkle some worthiness magic all around.

That simply means looking for as many ways as possible to shift ourselves into more of an “I’m-100%-worthy-to-receive-whatever-I-want” vibration.

Here are two of my favorite practices for this:

Worthiness Magic Practice #1: Journal It

This one’s about proclaiming your worthiness in writing.

Just write out a list of as many “I’m worthy” statements as you like. It’s a simple but powerful way to train yourself into a “because-I’m-divine-it’s-meant-to-be-mine” kind of a vibe.

It might look something like this:

“I’m worthy of love. I’m worthy of success. I’m worthy of great friends. I’m worthy of fun times. I’m worthy of vibrant health. I’m worthy of thriving financially. I’m worthy of complete creative fulfillment.”

Writing can be a great way to slow down and really feel into these kinds of statements. And, since a shift in vibration is indicated by a shift in emotion, this slowing down and feeling into your worthiness to receive can quickly create a powerful new momentum.

Plus, it just plain feels good to remind ourselves of all of the good stuff that we’re already 100% worthy of right now, as is. Self-love at it’s finest. :)

Worthiness Magic Practice #2: Identity Shift

This one’s basically about asking yourself, “What would a 100% worthy feeling person do?” and then doing exactly that.

This could lead to things like…

  • Accepting gifts and compliments with grace.

  • Letting people help you instead of shrugging off their assistance.

  • Asking for help or assistance when you need or want it.

  • Listening to your body. Resting when you feel tired. Eating when you’re hungry. Exercising when your body craves movement.

  • Listening to your desires and allowing yourself to have what you want.

  • Saying “no” with zero guilt and giving yourself permission to not do what you don’t want to do.

Another way to practice this type of identity shifting is to find a “worthiness role model.” Think of someone that seems to embody a high level of worthiness and model your behavior, self-talk and reactions after what you think your worthiness role model would do.

Baby Steps Lead to Big Results

As I hope you can tell by the two simple practices above, it doesn’t take much to start activating the worthiness magic.

Finding small ways every day to demonstrate to yourself and the law of attraction that you’re worthy of having what you want begins a momentum that naturally grows and expands over time.

If you keep it up, you’ll notice that life really begins to reflect back to you that “I’m worthy” vibe that you’ve been cultivating.

Then, it takes even less effort to feel worthy because the law of attraction makes it easy with all of the new, good-feeling stuff it’s bringing your way!

Here’s to turning our dials UP on the worthiness vibration.

Love and Magic,


Related Reading

Identity Shifting

Thriving in Uncertain Times (3 Simple Steps)

Thinking With Your Higher Self


How to Flip Your Reality


My Epiphany About Astrology & Manifesting